
It's been a long time.

I'll admit I kind of lost interest in my blog, but I feel I would like to make another post, so it'll either be really long or really condensed, as a lot of things have happened since I last posted. The biggest thing for me at the moment (and definitely the most related to this blog) is osc. osc (yep, it's lowercase even at the start of a sentence) is a game based around the eponymous character, an orange-scarf-wearing cat thing. 'osc' is in fact an acronym of 'orange' and 'scarf' (sort of).

It's a platformer-RPG-Metroidvania-survival game, so... yeah. The art style is similar to that of Cave Story and Fez, and I wish I could post screenshots, but whenever I try the game window shows up pitch black on the screenshot. I'll work on making a simulated screenshot by photoshopping (or Paint.NETing, as it were) all of the backgrounds, blocks and props (and osc, of course) together. Hopefully it'll look like a real screenshot.

I've also been playing heaps of Minecraft. An online friend of mine, Turqmelon, created a server. I've had to repair the house twice after creeper attacks.

Well, I spent a few minutes making a screenshot. I used the real version for reference, so it looks exactly how it would have looked if I had actually taken a screenshot.

There's only one difference, though: keys aren't actually in the game yet, and neither are doors. Hopefully those shouldn't be too hard to implement though, so those will come very soon.
I'm making it in Ruby using the Gosu code library, FL Studio for music and Paint.NET for the art.

This is the furthest I've got with a game by myself so far! :D