
osc update: Turrets and 'sil'

Turrets are fully operational (almost). They're blocks which shoot at you until you shoot at them. They serve two purposes: to fire at the player and to block off possible routes until they are destroyed. They look like a normal wood block with a ruby in the middle and red wires wrapped around them.
Screenie soon, when I update the version on my Mac.

In other news, a prototype for the sequel to osc, nicknamed 'sil', is sort of semi-working. It's a horror-survival type game, in which the protagonist (sil, who is actually osc, but got a name change after taming a glowing egg who fused its powers with those of osc) must navigate around claustrophobic levels with limited light. The prototype was just a test to see if I'd be able to make it when the time came, so since osc isn't nearly as finished as it would have to be for sil to be built off it, this prototype will be deleted as soon as I've finished playing around with it.

On a side note, I've decided this blog doesn't have enough memes (or cowbell). Only one short post a long time ago has ever had a meme in it, so to make up for the past meme-less posts:


  1. Sounds awesome. However: WARNING: NEVER DELETE THINGS YOU MADE. Storage is cheap and you will one day want to look back at it; if not in 6 months (to see what you were planning to do) then in 20 years (to see how you were thinking when you were 15).

  2. Good point. I do regret deleting the old version of osc (with randomly generated levels), and I've made a folder called 'oldstuff' just in case.

  3. Next step: a folder called "oldstuff2". Then "oldstuff3". Remember git? This is *exactly* what it's for: remembering history, and revisiting it as required. I wish I'd known about git when I was 14. This essay will help get across the intuition:

  4. (and srsly, storage is cheap. Running out of space because you created too much content is practically impossible (modulo video etc). The only problem with keeping every word you ever write is *indexing* it all: how to find something in the vast heap of resulting noise? Solve that and you'll rule the world)
